Shindo Sadaharu (進藤貞治)

Sadaharu SHINDO (1497 – 1551) was a military commander during Japan's Sengoku period (Warring State period) and was chief vassal of the Rokkaku clan. His father was Nagahisa SHINDO and child was Katamori SHINDO (opinions differ).

As lord of Konohama Castle and one of the 'The Two Fuji of the Rokkaku Clans,' the other half being the Goto clan (the kanji for "do" and "to" in "Shindo" and "Goto" are the same, and may be read as "fuji," meaning wisteria) he was an important man.

Shindo served in the era of Takayori ROKKAKU and Sadayori ROKKAKU. Sadaharu had excellent diplomatic skills and, among other successes, is said to have brokered peace between the shoguns of the day, Yoshiharu ASHIKAGA and Harumoto HOSOKAWA.

He is sometimes referred to as a 'Rokkaku Councilor' along with Katahide GAMO, Sadatake HIRAI and other.

[Original Japanese]